Small bathrooms can pose a design challenge when it comes to fitting in all the necessary fixtures and still creating a functional and visually appealing space. – One solution that has become increasingly popular in maximizing small bathroom space is the use of a corner bathtub. – A corner bathtub can help you make the most of your limited space by utilizing the often overlooked corners of a bathroom.

Benefits of a Corner Bathtub

– Fits in small spaces: Corner bathtubs are designed to fit snugly into the corner of a room, making them ideal for small bathrooms where space is at a premium. – Creates a focal point: A corner bathtub can become a striking focal point in your bathroom, adding a touch of luxury and sophistication to the space. – Maximizes floor space: By placing the bathtub in the corner, you free up more floor space in the center of the room, giving the illusion of a larger area. – Increases resale value: Renovating a small bathroom with a corner bathtub can significantly increase the resale value of your home, making it a wise investment.

Design Options

– Freestanding corner bathtub: A freestanding corner bathtub is a stylish option that can create a spa-like ambiance in your bathroom. It can be placed directly in the corner or slightly pulled away from the walls for a more dramatic look. – Built-in corner bathtub: Built-in corner bathtubs are a more practical choice for small bathrooms as they are designed to fit seamlessly into the corner, maximizing space efficiency. You can choose from a variety of materials, such as acrylic or fiberglass, to suit your design preferences. – Corner bathtub with shower combo: If you're short on space but still want the convenience of a shower, consider a corner bathtub with a built-in shower combo. This dual-purpose fixture can save space and provide the best of both worlds.

Tips for Maximizing Small Bathroom Space with a Corner Bathtub

– Choose a compact design: Opt for a corner bathtub with a compact design that doesn't take up too much space. Look for models with curved or angled edges to fit seamlessly into the corner. – Utilize vertical space: To make the most of a small bathroom with a corner bathtub, utilize vertical space for storage. Install shelves or cabinets above the bathtub to store towels, toiletries, and other essentials. – Use light colors: Light colors can help create the illusion of a larger space. Consider painting the walls in light shades and using light-colored tiles for the bathtub surround to brighten up the room. – Install a glass shower door: Instead of a shower curtain that can make the space feel enclosed, opt for a glass shower door to visually expand the room and allow more light to flow through. – Incorporate mirrors: Mirrors are a great way to make a small bathroom feel more spacious. Install a large mirror above the bathtub or on an adjacent wall to reflect light and create the illusion of a larger room.


– Maximizing small bathroom space with a corner bathtub is a smart and stylish solution for homeowners looking to make the most of their limited square footage. – By choosing the right design and incorporating space-saving strategies, you can transform your small bathroom into a functional and inviting space that feels larger and more luxurious. – Consider the benefits of a corner bathtub and explore the various design options available to find the perfect fit for your small bathroom renovation project.